Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ziarah Madinah


~bukit kecil tempat standby tentera memanah~ 

 ~saudagar kurma di sekitar Jabal Uhud~

Tiba-tiba teringat nak jot down my past experience kat Madinah.. All these photos taken when i was there on 2010. As all know, when someone doing umra or hajj, they will go to Madinah to visit beloved prophet Muhammad [pbuh]. Muslims also intend to visit the prophet's mosque as we were told that a prayer there is better than a thousand prayers in other mosques except for Al-Masjid al-Haram. The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: Journeys are only set out for three mosques, Masjid Haram, my mosque and Masjid Aqsa.

Ini berdasarkan hadis nabi yang lebih kurang begini maksudnya: Sesiapa yang melakukan umrah dan haji tetapi tidak menziarahiku maka mereka adalah orang yang sombong. Kenapa nabi cakap camtu? Ini pun refer pada hadis nie Diriwayatkan daripada Ibnu Umar r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Sesiapa yang menziarahi makamku pasti dia mendapat shafaat-ku.

Madinah lebih leisure than Makkah sebab waktu solat kat Madinah sama seperti tempat lain iaitu mempunyai waktu haram. Jadi, solat-solat sunat yang boleh dilakukan kat Madinah tertakluk kepada waktu-waktu yang boleh solat sunat. Kalo kat Mekah kita boleh solat sunat after subuh and after asar but here back to normal. Even visiting time in Raudhah juga terhad to women but not for men because Raudhah open all time for men.

Where to visit in Madinah? Of course number one is Masjid Nabawi where Muhammad's grave is there. Perform solat in prophet masjid 1000 times deeds than solat in other masjid except Masjid Haram. Visit Muhammad grave and say salam to Him and sahabat as well as Baqi' graveyard.

This we can call in-house ziarah because the location juz in and around Masjid Nabawi. For outside visit, normally we'll go to Masjid Quba, Masjid Tujuh, Masjid Qiblatain, Jabal Uhud and dates baazar. One more, refer to hadith, who perform solat in Masjid Quba will get reward as perform umra.

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